Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Please join us for this special Sunday service, 1st week in Advent

This Sunday we will be decorating the Sanctuary for Advent.  As it is the first Sunday of the month we will also come together for Communion.


“Advent” means “coming” or “arrival.” During the season of Advent, we celebrate Christ’s coming into the world and watch with expectant hope for his coming again. In its historical origins, the season of Advent was patterned after the season of Lent, a six-week period of penitence and preparation for Easter. Similarly, the four weeks of Advent present an opportunity for communal discernment and personal examination, as the church prepares to celebrate the Nativity of the Lord and looks with hope for Christ’s return.


An excerpt from the Companion to the Book of Common Worship (Geneva Press, 2003, 96)
In Advent we expectantly wait for the One who has already come. We anticipate the promised justice of God’s new world, yet we praise God who raised the “righteous branch” to rule with justice and righteousness. We hope for the restoration of the afflicted, the tormented, and the grieving, yet we delight that healing has come in Christ. We long for the beating of swords into plowshares, yet we rejoice that the Prince of Peace has appeared. We yearn for the barren deserts of our inner cities to flourish, yet we laud the desert Rose that has bloomed. We dream of the land where lions and lambs live in harmony, yet we acclaim the child born to lead us into the promised land.
Christ has come! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! In Advent, we are living between the first and the second coming of the Lord. The dialectical tension of maranatha [alternately translated “Come, our Lord!” or “Our Lord has come”] — placing us between memory and hope, past and future — may strengthen our Advent liturgies. Perhaps we need to cling to the ancient cry of maranatha! and its paradoxical meanings so we may freely embrace “the new thing” prophesied by Isaiah (Isaiah 43:19) that God is doing among us right now. The tension and paradox we find in Advent shapes our celebrations during the season.

Live Christmas Nativity at the Hinton Center

The Hinton Rural Life Center will host a Live Christmas Nativity on Saturday, December 1st from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. You are invited to drive through the live nativity, to enjoy the glow of luminaries, and to celebrate the Christmas season. The Hinton Center invites nativity visitors to share in the spirit of giving by bringing a nonperishable food item for the Clay County Food Pantry. Bring a food donation and make a difference in the Clay County community. The Hinton Rural Life Center is located 2.2 miles off Highway 64 East at the end of Hinton Center Road in Hayesville. If you have questions, please call the Hinton Center at  828-389-8336.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sunday Service 25 November 12

As we join together for worship this Sunday we pray for our service that each one of us is open to hear the Word of the Lord.  

We also lift in prayer those noted in our bulletin "In Our Thoughts and Prayers"

Scripture Reading for Sunday
I Chronicles 29:14-18
II Corinthians 8:1-5

Sermon:  "Scarcity or Abundance?"  
Linda Abel

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Session Minutes of Stated Meeting November 7, 2012

Call for Quorum:
The meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m.  A quorum was present with Doug Mulkey, Kay McLeod, Missy Stephens, and Bill Stephenson present.  Also in attendance were John McLeod, Treasurer, Linda Abel, Moderator and congregational member, Mendy Roebuck. Betty Anne Watkins has returned to Florida for the winter and was excused.

Open with Prayer and Devotion:
Linda Abel read from Jeremiah 27:32 and also a passage from “The Cure for Disappointment” by Max Lucado.

Minutes approved:
The minutes of the October 3 meeting were read and approved.

Old Business:
Mendy Roebuck addressed the session in answering questions on a website for the Church.  After discussion, the session voted unanimously to have Mendy start a blog on Blogspot for our Church.  It is free and if we find in the future we want to branch out more, Mendy will be able to proceed to another Web site.
Kay McLeod had the paperwork and information on Linda and Bob Abel performing the duties of co-pastors.  Doug Mulkey motioned and it was seconded and approved that the necessary papers be signed and faxed to Marcia Puckett  at Presbytery in order to get on their agenda for next week. 
We will have a congregational meeting November 18, 2012 following worship to ask the blessing of the memberson this matter. There are two openings for Elder for the 2013-14 term.  Kay McLeod and Doug Mulkey have both consented to renew their terms for two more years. The congregational meeting will also take nominations from the floor if any other members are interested in being considered for election. 
Bill Stephenson and Missy Stephens reported on their research on road signs for the church.  They will continue to follow up and report back at the next meeting.
Kay McLeod reported for B.A. Watkins the information on having a phone reinstalled in the church and it was decided we would not invest the approximately $46 extra a month at this time.
Linda Abel moved and it was seconded and unanimously approved we elect John McLeod for a two year term as Treasurer to coincide with the Elder’s terms. He graciously accepted.

Treasurer’s Report:
John McLeod reviewed the financials for the fiscal year to date.  He noted that some of the funds for the pastor were over budget because of mileage, etc. and Doug Mulkey moved and it was seconded and approved we accept the dispersal of funds for the pastor as shown on the report. 
John McLeod also reported our electric usage has improved since our improvements with the water heater and thermostats and have almost paid for themselves. 
The new pew bibles were acquired for a lesser cost at around $12 each instead of the $25 originally quoted.  A good number of congregational members have purchased some in honor or in memory of someone which will help defray the costs.  The remaining bibles will be purchased with the funds from Peggy Tiger’s memorial gifts and will be in her memory.

Pastor’s Report:
Linda Abel will plan Advent Programs for the 5th, 12th and 19th of December from 11 am to 1 pm including lunch.
Mendy Roebuck will lead “Soul Tending” Sunday in Linda’s absence and will distribute information on the Presbytery Disaster Assistance regarding Hurricane Sandy.

Other Elder Business:
Missy Stephens will write a note to Debbie Foster, Chairperson for the library cookbook, thanking her for including our church pictures and history in the book.
Missy will remain the liaison for the 100-year celebration of Clay County and our Church participation to be held in March.
Missy will represent our church at The Clay County Food Pantry when the Presbytery visits them regarding their grant. She is also considering joining Clay County Communities Revitalization Association and will represent us there.
Missy addressed cleaning up the “library room” off the entrance of the church and it will be further addressed the beginning of the year.

Call for Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be before the Advent Program at 9:30 am on December 5.

Close with Prayer and Adjournment:
The meeting was closed in prayer by Linda Abel and adjourned at noon.

Respectively submitted,

Kay Watts McLeod                                                            Linda Abel
Clerk of Session                                                                Moderator

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In Preparation for Sunday Service

Please join us for worship as Rev. Dr. Bob Abel brings us God's Word.  Bob's sermon for this Sunday is "Fruit of the Spirit 7 - Faithfulness"  

The Scripture reading for Sunday Service is:
     Galations 5:16-26
     Daniel 3:  13-29

Let us each in our own way prepare for worship as we join together in the Sanctuary on Sunday at 1100am.  

For this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we offer up this prayer:

O God, our Provider, you open your hand and lavish good gifts upon us. So we give you thanks.  You create the beauty of the earth and stock it with abundance to sustain human life.  You give us friends who share the journey of our lives; family who make us laugh with joy and dry our tears of sorrow; strangers who minister to our needs with generous kindness. You knit us into your larger family called church to encourage us in your Way.  You have blessed us with the 
freedoms of a great nation.  “Thank you” seems insufficient for all your blessings, yet we say it with all we are as an offering of gratitude for our many blessings that we name before you.  
Though we may have seen our fortunes fall this year, we praise you for hiding our treasure in Jesus Christ our Lord, whom not even death can destroy.  Though we miss those whose places sit empty at this year’s table, we give you thanks for lending them to us for what time we had.  For all your providence with the feast of life that you set before us, we give ourselves to you with all we are in thanks and praise.  

Third Sunday of the Month

Don't forget!  This is third Sunday of the month - we will have breakfast at 945am in the fellowship hall.  All are invited to join us as we share the morning meal.  

Breakfast is followed by choir practice at 1015am.  Would you like to join the choir?  We are happy to have you lift up your voice and sing!

Sunday Service is at 1100am in the Sanctuary.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Preparation for Sunday Worship

Please join us this Sunday for worship service, 1100am in the Sanctuary.

As this is the second Sunday of the  month we will be receiving our Clay County Food Pantry Offering along with receiving our Tithes and Offerings.

In preparation for our service we pray for God's gentle hand to touch us and speak to us through song, prayer and listening to God's Word through the Sermon.

This Sunday's Sermon is "Fruit of the Holy Spirit 6 - Goodness"  Bob Abel will be in the pulpit this Sunday.  The Scripture reading is John 10: 11-18 and Ephesians 5:1-20. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The beginnings for Hayesville Presbyterian's web outreach

Today Session voted to go forward with an outreach via the internet.  We are starting out with a blog for the church.  

Please check back often as we will have Sunday notes; prayer requests; Session minutes; updates for ROMEO; knitting ministry; Matthew 28; PCUSA news and so much more.