Thursday, December 20, 2012

4th Sunday in Advent

Sunday Service, 4th Sunday in Advent, 1100am Sanctuary

Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service  will be at 300pm on Monday, December 24.

In preparation for coming to worship this Sunday

On this last Sunday of Advent,
we quietly reflect on the mystery.
We rest in awe, in wonder,
at how our God entered our world and came to be with us.
We pause to receive the gift offered us:
that the Spirit of God will open up our lives and
that Jesus will really come into our hearts.
May we have watchful hope today,
believing what the Lord promises us.
Let us pray today, that we might be God's servants,
that we might be instruments of God's love
for our families and all we serve this week.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Third Sunday in Advent and Breakfast Sunday

Join us for breakfast!  945am in the Fellowship Hall

In preparation for Worship
Scripture:  Luke 2: 8-14

Sunday, December 9, 2012

2nd Sunday in Advent

Along with the lighting of the second Advent candle - by Roger and Rhonda - we were honored to have the presentation of a check from our Presbytery to Clay County Pantry - the local food bank.  

Friday, December 7, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wonderful Wednesdays! December 5, 12 and 19

"The Journey" program and lunch
December 5, 12 and 19

We will watch a portion of "The Journey" video and have a  discussion. This December Wonderful Wednesday series will enrich your preparation for celebrating our Lord's birth.