Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Souper Bowl" Sunday and Service Information

Celebration of Holy Communion 

Reading of Scripture:  Psalm 23 and John 10: 1-5, 14-16

"Souper Bowl" this Sunday February 3, 2013

Don't forget to bring your canned and non-perishable food items for the Clay County Food Pantry.


Please dig a bit deeper and make a monetary contribution!  Presbytery will double whatever we collect

Monday, January 28, 2013

Be Still and Know That I Am God - A Lenten Spiritual Retreat

Interested?  Respond to Pastor Bob at    ASAP

Dear Hayesville Presbyterian Church Family and Friends,
    I recently received information about a retreat at Montreat Conference Center I think some in the church family might be interested in attending. I should have said something this morning, but forgot. So, I'd like to let everyone know about it through email, and I will bring the registration blanks next Sunday for those who are interested in attending to pick up, fill out and send in.
The conference is going to take place Friday - Saturday, February 22-23 at Montreat. Montreat is our
PCUSA denomination's conference center near Black Mountain, NC (about 12 or so miles east of Asheville). Presbyterians come from all over the country to attend conferences there. It really is a beautiful place, especially for those who don't live in the mountains. The title of the conference is "Be still and know that I am God: A Lenten Spiritual Retreat". It will be lead by Dr. Tom Lewis, who recently retired as director of the Columbia Seminary (Atlanta)  Spirituality Program. A really neat thing is that the cost of $40 includes Friday dinner, a night's lodging in Assembly Inn (double occupancy),  Saturday breakfast and lunch, the program, and materials. Obviously it is being subsidized by the presbytery. The deadline for signing up at the $40 rate is Feb. 8. It will be more after that.
So, if someone has wanted to experience Montreat and would enjoy a spiritual retreat to enhance and enrich your observance of Lent, this would be the time to do it. Bob is planning to attend. (Linda will be at the Monastary of the Holy Spirit that weekend).  We can arrange to car pool to get us there, so don't worry about driving. 
I'd kinda like to know how many registration blanks to bring with me Sunday. If you know you would like to attend, how about emailing me to let me know.  And how about letting our friends know who don't get emails.
Thanks. Bob

Friday, January 25, 2013

January 27 Service and Breakfast!

Breakfast will be served this Sunday!  Please join us at 945am!

Service info
Matthew 20: 20-28
John 13: 1-17
Philippians 2: 1-11

Sermon "Fruit of the Spirit Series:  Humility"

We will see you Sunday at church!